Tuesday, March 2, 2010


These are my recent favorite food.  Why? ...they make a lot of dishes taste amazing and provide ample opportunity to be creative.

My new invention for a delicious breakfast:

Yummy Yogurt Wrap

What you need: plain yogurt, pitted dates, some type of fruit (bananas or blueberries or my favorite addition), honey, peanut butter, a favorite crunchy cereal (I use fiber one for this), and wheat flour tortillas (or some type of thin flat bread)

For one person's breakfast:
1) In a bowl, mix together:
- 3/4 Cup plain yogurt
- 3 pitted dates chopped
- 1 Tbsp peanut butter
- 1/4 Cup blueberries
- 1/4 Cup cereal

2) Place half of one mixture in one wheat flour toritilla, and the other half in the 2nd tortilla.

3) Drizzle yogurt filling with honey.

4) Roll up and enjoy.

**Warning: Can be messy. :o)